Friday 2 August 2013

Supplement Article

Sports drinks offer your body three things it might need before, during, and after vigorous exercise. Hydration, Fuel, and Electrolytes.

 Most of us sweat during exercise, so when water goes out of the body so does many essential electrolytes like Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Chloride and Sulphate. So it makes sense that we need to replace them.

 The carbohydrates found in sports drinks help provide us with the energy we need, and will help with muscle fatigue. Most importantly there is hydration. The exact amount of fluid you need would depend on a few things. Your weight, the intensity, the duration of your workout, and the temperature of your environment. Your thirst is a good indication of how much to drink. All of these things with help you to perform better and for longer.

Sports drink usage varies for everyone, some might not notice any benefits after exercise, but it would benefit greatly to middle or long distance running or any team sport. There are no side affects as such to taking sports drinks, the only thing is, if used with little exercise it will lead to weight gain. They also contain permitted colors which can harm your teeth enamel and stain your teeth, which is not the most attractive lookJ
